Setting up AirPOS to sell online with Shopify is simple. We sync your products and inventory from AirPOS to Shopify and back and making sure that when your items are sold in your shop they have also sold online,.
We use our own integration to power our AirPOS hardware store, which means we trust it to work! There are a number of guides below on how to setup your AirPOS and Shopify integration to start your journey in multi-channel selling.
Shopify Integration Setup with AirPOS (beta)
The following is a step by step guide on how to utilise our Shopify webstore integration. Please follow these steps carefully, if you have any issues feel free to contact our support team after attempting the integration.

Frequently Asked Questions About AirPOS Shopify Integration
Frequently Asked Questions about AirPOS and Shopify

AirPOS and Shopify - The AirPOS and Shopify Integration Dashboard
The AirPOS and Shopify dashboard shows the status of the AirPOS and Shopify integration as well as any essential tasks that need to be completed to make ure the integration works successfully

AirPOS and Shopify - Setting Up Locations to Ship Online Orders From
Choosing which locations you can ship web orders from is an essential task in setting up your AirPOS and Shopify shipping and fulfilment processes

AirPOS and Shopify - Planning Your Retail Inventory To Sell Online Including How To Use Product Variants
Designing your retail inventory prior to selling online is a very important steps and saves untold time and stress down the line when you are actually selling.

AirPOS and Shopify - Stock Taking
Adding stock numbers to your AirPOS inventory in preparation for selling online

AirPOS and Shopify - Importing Simple Products
How to import multiple products to sell online with AirPOS and Shopify

AirPOS and Shopify - Editing Individual Items and Setting Them To Sell Online
Editing products indivdually to set them to sell online via the AirPOS Shopify integration

AirPOS and Shopify - Bulk Editing Products and Setting Them To Sell Online
Learn how to bulk edit products in AirPOS and ready them to sell online with our Shopify integration

AirPOS and Shopify - Setting up a Custom Domain Name in Shopify
How to set up your custom domain name with Shopify