How to Update the AirPOS App on Android
When an update for the AirPOS application has been released you'll see a notification at the bottom of the screen. If you tap on that on the POS screen as shown below your screen will refresh.
When an update for the AirPOS application has been released you'll see a notification at the bottom of the screen. If you tap on that on the POS screen as shown below your screen will refresh.
When an update for the AirPOS application has been released you'll see a notification at the bottom of the screen. If you tap on that on the POS screen as shown below your screen will refresh.
Voiding a sale cancels the transaction rather than deleting it completely. “Voiding a Transaction” will still keep a record of it.
In AirPOS, provided your device is online, synchronisation of your sales data and updates in your backoffice to your catalogue is almost immediate.
Until recently adding multiple quantities of an item could only be done by increments of 1 which is painful when dealing with an order for a cube or a pallet of 500 bricks.