How to Setup Your Employees through the Backoffice
After you have created a location, it then makes sense to determine what staff members are situated in those specific locations.
After you have created a location, it then makes sense to determine what staff members are situated in those specific locations.
By design AirPOS is flexible in serving both small vendors and also larger, multi-site operations as required.
With AirPOS, you can easily create new customers on the POS, attach sales to existing ones and send email receipts, capturing their details for later use in sales analysis and marketing.
To change your company name go to the backoffice and select ‘Account & Billing’ from the left navigation panel, then select ‘Edit My Account’. Here you will be given a number of options to edit your account including changing the company name, changing the password or changing the email address.
If you've forgotten your password and are unable to login to the backoffice of your AirPOS account or on the POS application never fear. Resetting your password is straightforward and takes only a few moments.