Logging In
When you start the AirPOS ePOS, you will not be able to access any parts of the system until you login. To login, simply select a user and key in the pin you have created for that user in your backoffice. If no list of users appears then simply key in your PIN on the keypad and you will be logged right in.

- Making sure your users PINs are very different is a good idea. For example if Bob has a PIN of 1234 and Holly has a PIN of 123, Bob will never be able to login as the system will recognise the 123 as Holly's login.
- You can manage your user's login PIN numbers in your AirPOS backoffice at https://backoffice.airpointofsale.com/employees
- If every user has a unique PIN number then the user list will not appear and you will be able to login right from the keypad. This is recommended for fast transaction environments such as bars
- For very fast logins one or two digits can we used, but obviously longer PINs are less easy to guess