How to Install and Uninstall AirPOS on iPad
How to Install and Uninstall the AirPOS POS App on iPad First up you'll need to be on the iPad that you want to install AirPOS on. That done, on your iPad locate the App Store icon and click on it.
How to Install and Uninstall the AirPOS POS App on iPad First up you'll need to be on the iPad that you want to install AirPOS on. That done, on your iPad locate the App Store icon and click on it.
Open the ArPOS POS App and press the settings button, the grey cog icon at the top right of the POS screen. Then from the left navigation panel click ‘Peripherals’ and you will see the following screen.
The Star S230i is a compact portable Bluetooth receipt printer with an auto connect pairing function for the iPad.
Star Micronics have introduced the TSP100IIIU USB Printer which is able to be connected directly to an iPad using the Apple Lightning Cable. This allows direct communication between the iPad and the printer while simultaneously charging.
First up you'll need to be on the Android tablet that you want to install AirPOS on. That done, on your tablet locate the Play Store icon and click on it.