How to Adjust Your Float for Sundry External Expenses

Opening Drawer Cash Adjustment

A frequent request from users has been for the ability to record 'Cash In and Cash Out' from the drawer which occur separately from ordinary day to day sales. It was felt that this need would be best served by providing a way to adjust the opening drawer amount or Float.

This feature is now available in the new version of AirPOS. When you press the button for XYZ Reads you will see recorded all your cash, card and other payment type receipts and at the top a new button to 'Adjust the Float'.

When you press this button a new modal window will open like that below. Here you select the option to add or remove cash from the drawer. Next enter the amount and in the bottom field type a brief note to describe the reason for the adjustment and press the 'Save' button.

You can see in the example above that £1.78 was taken from the till to pay milk.

When you press the ‘XYZ’ button you’ll see your float adjustments recorded on the right side of the screen where you can scroll down to view your card and cash receipts.

When you perform a 'Z' read at the end of the day any float adjustments will be printed as "Removed:.." with the amount and the reason (see below).

This will also be recorded in your backoffice record of the 'Z Read' and can be viewed by pressing the 'Details' link beside the 'Z Read' as shown below.